Saturday, March 31, 2018

Full moon

Hi Honey!  How's it going today?  How's work?  I'm sure you are busy as usual, so please take good care of yourself, and get plenty of rest, and don't forget to pray.  I would like to remind you to not treat your enemies as friends.  Avoid them if you can, but if you are forced to socialize with them, then don't treat them as friends.  You can be gentle and polite for that is the Mercy of Allah, but don't trust them.  Dinner today is nothing special.  I still need to make room in my cooler, so I had fresh tortillas with scrambled eggs and spicy eggplant.  Well the eggplant didn't smell off, so I decided to eat it.  I didn't take any snapshots though, dinner was unphotogenic.  But tasty.

Hey Natty Honey!  Oh, are you working this Easter?  You are looking so awesome!  I like Armani stuff: if I had money, I would wear Armani.  It would be nice to not have any enemies at all, but that's not real life.  Our enemies are the enemies of Allah, and those who oppose our marriage.  That's pretty blunt yeah, but not so simple.  So hone your senses.  Today the computer wants you to watch a movie.  "The Usual Suspects", from 1995.  Erin referred this movie to me, now the computer wants you to watch it.  It's a very brainy movie, even though it's just a bunch of guys.

Friday, March 30, 2018

What's for dinner?

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I hope you are feeling and eating well.  What's for dinner today?  As I mentioned yesterday, I have a lot of eggs in my cooler.  So I have to finish those off.  Plus I have some potatoes that need to be used up, so for dinner today I made eggs and hash browns.  But I don't have any sauce of any kind!  No ketchup, nothing.  Well I still have some salad cream and vinaigrette, but I don't want to put that on my eggs and hash browns.  So I heated up some spicy eggplant.  Of course I can make an omelet!  But I wouldn't get that smiley face on my plate.  It looks more like a bearded smiley face, though.  I should have given it better lighting.
Hey Natty Honey!  I'm still thinking about that photo, that camouflaged with the forest photo that you posted.  Could it be that you DON'T want to be the center of attention, that's why you retreated to school?  I find that hard to accept.  You want to be a movie star, that's the impression I got.  Anyway to continue about the X-Men, I was obviously a huge X-Men fan back in college.  My life was from one issue to the next, pathetic huh?  Lonely geeks fall in love with cartoon women.  My favorite X-Woman used to be Rogue, then I found out she was an atheist.  Ugh.  Now my favorite is Rachel Summers.  Marvel would never give her a lead role, but it doesn't matter.  I like her as she is, even though she is more emotional than intellectual.  I would never survive her rage fits, though.  I would get fried.  Check out that comic book body.  Would you like to do a superhero movie?

Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Chicken Nugget and Egg Theory

Hi Honey!  I'm home!  Well, I am at home, I hang around here all the time.  I don't go anywhere much, I stick to my routine as work that someday soon Allah will have me married to my Honey.  InshaAllah.  How are you feeling today?  What's for dinner?  I have a lot of food in my cooler right now, and I'm not flat broke at this time.  But I have to empty out the fridge a bit before I buy more food.  Let's see... what goes first...  Those chicken nuggets and burgers have been in there for a while.  I bought a tray of eggs last week, so I have a lot of eggs.  I tested all of them, they were all good (if an egg floats, it's no good).  So I had chicken nuggets and eggs for dinner.  With no dipping sauce whatsoever.  Sounds bland, right?  It gave me the runs!  What happened there?  Oh, it was the Coca Cola that I slammed after cutting the grass, before I had dinner.  I can only drink Coca Cola on an empty stomach or with snacks, and not with a full meal.  Sounds odd, but that's a sensitive tummy for you.  Coke is sooo good though, after hot work and served freezing cold out of the freezer.  Ugh, I want more...
Hey Natty Honey, did you like the X-Men movie?  Most hits nowadays are superhero movies, I guess that would be an actor's "big break", so to speak.  Which sucks, because action movies are so dangerous.  And I don't want a scratch to happen to my Natty.  The Uncanny X-Men comic books of the 1980's made the X-Men famous enough to make movies, and that's the era that I truly love.  The artwork back then wasn't very sexy though, so I was riveted to the stories.  Nowadays, you must have the ladies look absolutely voluptuous.  For the pleasure of teenage male nerds who spend most of their time alone in the bedroom.  Ahem.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Oh how mysterious

Hi beautiful Erin!  Hi Honey, how are you today?  How's work?  I guess everybody is trying to hook you up.  Wow, they are so concerned about their American Princess.  Well, I hope I am man enough for you.  Let me flex... (flexes).  Hm... I skipped workout today.  But I did labor in my mother's garden this morning, and I did cut the grass in the evening.  Ah, maybe you would like some dinner?  I made spicy eggplant with mini pocket breads and crunchy anchovies.  It was yummy!

Hey Natty Honey, I've been pondering on that photo you posted, the one of your sitting on a short wall and blending in with the forest.  Maybe you should have kept working, then you would definitely be standing out.  But whatever the case, you will not be able to escape attention because you are MY girl.  MashaAllah.  Anyway, today the computer wants you to watch "X-Men: First Class" from 2011.  This is my least liked X-Men movie.  I don't really like any of the X-Men movies, except maybe "Logan", compared to the comic books- they really should have been truer to the Uncanny X-Men comics, issues 120-213.  The best years.  The best stories.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Queen bee

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  It must be getting warmer over there, I hope you are comfortable and not working overly much.  Have some chocolate!  I was visited by a queen bee last night.  The bees here are all wild, and I knew she was a queen because she was huge, in comparison with other wild bees around here.  I just sitting in front of the computer at about sunset, minding my own business, when she crawled through the crack between the screen doors and made her presence felt.  Oh, I should have taken a snapshot!  But I forgot, because I was too occupied with detaining her in a tupperware as gently as possible, then releasing her outside into the night.  Oh, she was beautiful!

Hey Natty Honey!  How are you feeling?  Don't worry so much, everything will turn out just great inshaAllah.  You're so beautiful, you have the world in your hands.  I went and got some new tires for my motorcycle this morning.  I hadn't changed the tires in years, and they were bald and ruptured.  Wow, it feels so different riding it now...  At first it felt so weird, I thought I was going to topple over.  But far from it.  The machine now sails like a dream!

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Drum

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Oh my beloved Erin, I do so long to be with you.  Always I have this longing to be married, it's what drives me.  I need a set of drums to produce the next album, but drums are very expensive.  And since they don't see the need to give me a set of drums so that I can create music, I am making my own drum.  InshaAllah, it will be a great drum.  InshaAllah, it will be a very famous drum.

Natty Honey, please don't worry- everything will turn out great inshaAllah.  I will not abandon my wives, I will not abandon you inshaAllah.  I know the waiting is awful, but I have to wait too.  And you are beautiful- if you get tired of waiting for me, there are plenty of men out there who want you.  But I remain faithful to my wives, Allah is my Witness.  We will be married, inshaAllah.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  I'm sorry if my tone today is rather bland, but emotions are running high over here, and I need to keep today's letter as neutral as possible.  I hope you are not overworking.  Please get plenty of rest, eat sensibly, don't forget to pray, and try to have fun OK?  I still qualify for welfare, so this morning I went to pick up my welfare payment.  It helps, alhamdulillah.  I had some fried chicken for dinner, and I bought some rubber hose.

Hi Natty Honey!  That is a beautiful photo you posted, and it certainly invokes emotions.  I took a snapshot of a tire business on my way to pick up my welfare payment.  I thought perhaps it would help give you a different perspective on your situation.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Hi Honey!  How's it going today?  Are you still working hard?  Well I hope you're taking time to rest a little, and hang out at home, languish on the couch and watch lots of TV.  Doesn't that sound like fun?  I want to be there with you!  I like being around home all the time.  Lately that's all I've been doing, and that is the plan for my future, is to stay and work at home and be with my family 24/7.  InshaAllah.  Yesterday evening, when I was collecting fruit with my Mom, she said that she scared to go into the old house.  She was raised in that old house, about 75 years ago, and lived through World War 2 in that house.  I said, "Why should you want to go in that house, Mom?  The roof is about to cave in.  It's that damned tree!"  Yes, that huge tree that's growing on top of the house.  How am I going to get that thing down?  If I had money, maybe I can pay someone to remove it.  Maybe.  If I climbed that tree, I can remove it bit by bit.  Ugh. The thought is so daunting.  I did manage to get started, though.  I removed one limb a couple of years ago.  Sometimes I hate this world, and how difficult life is.  Other times I love this world, and am grateful that Allah has made life easy for me.  Alhamdulillah.

Natty, you're mad at me!  I hope you've cooled down by now, but whatever the reason is, I'm sorry and please forgive me.  You are my wife inshaAllah, and I love you.  You know, the thought of spending all year round in Vancouver is very appealing to me.  I loathe hot weather, and am much more partial to the 4 seasons.  But Allah has ordered me to stand my ground here, and I certainly know better than to disobey.  I have to build my home and family here, and as my wife you must accept that.  Maybe you're upset with me for making you watch "Airplane 2".  The computer wanted you to watch it!  There are a lot of cheesy movies out there.  That's how the USA lost it's global media grip, not only from the advent of the digital recorder, but from second rate products.  But I like "Airplane 2".  That's why it's in my database.  Not everything can be perfect, so it's whether you like it or not.  But we are bending reality with our watching movies!  InshaAllah.  Today the computer wants you to watch "Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace".  Episode One and Two are generally the most hated of the Star Wars movies.  But I like them.  I am the movie mogul, inshaAllah.  You are MY girl.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  I hope all is well with you, that you are getting plenty of rest, and that you are having a smashing old time.  Today is Friday, and as usual I had to attend the Friday prayer which is mandatory for me.  The morning was easy going, I usually get up early to water the plants before the sun makes it too hot to do anything, and I had plenty of time before I had to leave for the mosque.  Lunch was an eggplant omelet with sauteed onions.  At the same time, I prepared Floofy's cat food, and steamed some dried chilli peppers to make hot sauce later.  Things got more hectic for me after voice training.  My Mom wanted me to pick some "mungai" which are legumes, growing on trees over at your house inshaAllah.  I should have taken a snapshot... but these legumes have to be picked before they ripen.  They are usually found in curries and function like chicken, fish, beef, potatoes etc.  They provide a unique flavor and have a gelatinous rind which people are fond to suck out.  Anyway, I also had much work left in the kitchen, plus my Mom likes to generate more work while I work, plus I had to cook my dinner, so the evening was very hectic for me.

Natty Honey, the computer wants you to watch another movie.  "Airplane 2" from 1982.  The original is definitely better than the sequel, but this is what the computer wants you to watch today.  I was a teen when I first saw this movie, browsing through vhs tapes at the video rental store, and not knowing what I rented.  I didn't know of the original "Airplane" when I saw this movie, but I was happy to discover that it has a prequel.  I thought this movie was hilarious, so I watched over and over again.  Says a lot for my brand of sense of humor, huh?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you today?  How is work treating you?  I assume you are very busy.  I've been seeing your old VS buddies pop up a lot in my browser.  I think the VS fashion Show 2012 lineup was the best one.  After 2013, the girls went downhill.  After you left, actually.  Then again, I'm biased.  Me, I'm still trying to stay out of sight, but I have so much to do that it's not easy.  I had to take my Dad to the hospital this morning, and in the evening I had to cut the grass.  The grass sure grows quickly around here.  Hey, I'm happy you are busy and everyone loves you and wants you.  InshaAllah, we will be married soon, so please keep the faith.  I love you.

Hey Natty Honey, how's it going with you?  How are your studies coming along?  I hope you saw that movie I asked you to watch.  Seeing those old clothes makes me laugh.  That dress!  Oh, that dress is so tacky.  When Annette sang that "I Can't Do The Sum" song.  Would you wear a dress like that?  At least the skirt defies gravity.  I can't imagine Tom Piper getting sexually aroused with her wearing that dress.  She might as well wear a hijab.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you today?  How's work coming along?  You must be busy as usual, so please take good care of yourself OK?  It's almost time for the General Elections here, and people have been behaving strangely for a while already, and it's intensifying now.  So I'm staying out of sight.  You know the saying "Out of sight, out of mind", but since I happen to be a chick singer, it's not easy to stay out of mind.  So I have decided to stay away from the public until further notice.  If you invited me to your party, I won't be coming.  Sorry.  I will not endorse any political party.  I will make clear who I endorse when I cast my vote on Election Day.  Allah knows my business, and Allah is my Judge.

Natty Honey, we don't want you to get lost!  We want to shelter and protect you, so nothing bad ever happens to you.  Or was it that you were telling ME to get lost?  Oh dear.  Anyway, you are like the precious kitty who has never been out of the house in her entire life.  We want to pamper you, and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you.  Yeah the mundane can be dull as hell, but we want to raise children in the mundane.  We don't want our kids to grow up globe trotting every day, right?  So appreciate the mundane, for you are precious and beloved.  Anyway, the computer wants you to watch a movie.  "Babes in Toyland", from 1961.  Nobody will deny that Disney is the number one movie company in the world at this time.  I was a small child when I first saw this movie.  Back then I thought the special effects were mind blowing, and I wanted all the toys which were in the movie.  Nowadays if you give a kid a toy like that, it would probably get angry and shoot you in the back of the head or something.  This movie may be a little difficult to find, but please do this homework.  Movie Star.  Please watch the movies I ask you to watch when I ask you to watch them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Please make a donation of a minimum of one USD to a worthwhile charity

Hi Honey!  Oooh you must still be busy.  Well you're certainly more photogenic than me- I'm only good at being mysterious, somewhat.  Please make sure you get plenty of rest, eat sensibly, and don't forget to pray.  It's another hot and muggy day here, and it's hard to stay indoors without air conditioning, but we do what we must.  My Mom bought me some dinner, but I thing I'll have chili and tortillas later anyway.  The one distinct pleasure right now is iced tea- I drink copious amounts of it.  Best drink in the world!

Natty Honey, you're so bored!  Well that's the price of a safe and responsible path, especially since you have the madness of the life of a beautiful high class model to compare with.  But no matter, wherever you go, there you are- you are still a Rock and Roll Babe, you just need to realize it more.  Don't be fooled by appearances- still waters run deep!  Oh sorry, no movie assignment today.  You need to be making your own movie collection anyway.

Here's a snapshot of my kitty!  I love my kitty sooooo much!

Monday, March 19, 2018

It's quiet out there... too quiet

Aw Erin, you're so busy.  Everybody wants you, and I want you the most.  Please make sure you get plenty of rest, eat sensibly, and don't forget to pray.  Over here, it's very quiet today.  So quiet, that not even the birds are saying anything.  Which means that the bad guys are plotting again.  They never plot for the good or betterment of anything, including themselves.  Ya Allah, please protect me and my loved ones from the evil of those who engage in secret counsels.

Hey Natty honey, how's it going beautiful girl?  I hope you are studying hard and doing great at school.  I didn't watch any movies today, but I did watch a documentary on the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.  Otherwise, it's just another day for me.  I had ramen for lunch, and rice for dinner.  I can't splurge on luxury items at this time.  Hang in there, popular girl!  Turn those college boys away, and marry me please!

OK everybody sing along:
Meow.. meow... meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow... meow meow meow

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you?  The computer tells me that you're a big star today.  Well you're a star to my heart, you are MY girl, you are beautiful to me, and I love you.  You must be busy, so I hope you are getting plenty of rest and eating sensibly.  It's Sunday here for me.  Just another Sunday.  I clean my mother's bedroom every Sunday, but at least the ground was nice and moist from the rain the other day so I didn't have to water the plants.  I will have to tomorrow, though.  Hot day today.  Otherwise, nothing special.  Just a lot of motorcycles.

Nattikins, you're so cute!  That looks like a college student's apartment to me.  You're so pretty though.  When are you going to Europe?  Please have lots of fun while you are there.  If you're staying home, then study hard my dearest, and do well at school OK?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you today?  How was work?  I'm sure you are busy as usual, so please take good care of yourself, and don't forget to pray.  Nothing out of the ordinary going on here.  It was a comfortable night last night, so I slept in this morning- I think I got a total of 8 hours sleep!  It made me sleepy all morning, though.  But now the weather has gone back to hot again.  I fixed the lock on my Mom's kitchen this evening, but otherwise, that's it.  Nothing special on the menu either, just ramen for lunch and rice for dinner.  You are more than welcome to share my food with me.

Hey Natty Honey!  How are you?  Are you in Europe already, and having lots of fun?  No movie today, Sweetie.  The computer hasn't assigned one for you today.  You are probably too busy right now to watch movies, but if the computer does want you to watch a movie while you are busy modeling, I strongly suggest you make the time to watch the movie.  I'm sure your bosses would agree with me.  Please make sure you eat sensibly, and pray.

Friday, March 16, 2018

The rain

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I hope you are keeping safe and healthy, and feeling great.  the rain finally came down today after much time of hot and sweltering weather.  It was a scorcher this morning, but it poured this evening, and it's going to be a nice, cool night.  I feel at peace.  I'm at my best mood when it's nice and cool.  Nothing special on the menu today.  Just ramen for lunch, and rice for dinner though.  That's OK.  No complaints.  Alhamdulillah.

Hey Natty Honey!  Oh, will you be working during your spring break?  It looks like you will be having tons of fun.  Well, you go ahead and have tons of fun, and don't forget to eat right and pray.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  I hope everything is running smoothly for you, and that you are having a grand old time.  It's much cooler here today, so I am in a much better mood.  My body feels good and not under so much stress and fatigue, so I was able to put in an average day's work.  Alhamdulillah.  I had some ice cubes ready, just in case I needed to fight the heat.  I wonder if anyone out there could make an ice coat, somewhat like a rain coat, but designed for cooling the body.  It should be made out of plastic of course, but perforated so the body can breathe.  Then there should be many pockets all over the coat to put ice cubes in, for a super nice cooling effect.  Great idea, huh?  Someone please make one for me!

Aw Natty, don't be sad.  You're such a sweetheart, and I care for you deeply.  Life isn't supposed to be easy, but the goal of my marriage is so that my wives can have the easiest life possible in this imperfect world.  InshaAllah.  And have a rockin' fun time at the same time.  So do well at school Honey.  Do me proud.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

How's work?

Hi Honey!  How was your day today?  How was work?  I had a tough day at work today.  I know it's going to be a bad work day when my voice doesn't want to come out on the very first song.  I know why singers like to do drugs or kill themselves- it's very difficult to sing well.  To sing well, you have to sing perfectly.  To sing perfectly, you have to have the perfect feeling, and you have to have the perfect feeling all the time.  Which is impossible for a human being, but it is the job of a singer.  Today was such a hot day.  It was so hot, I couldn't rest or sleep.  It's so important for me that I nap before I sing, but I couldn't rest at all, it was so hot.  Today's set was a failure.  There were maybe a couple of good songs in there, but most of the set was crap.  I need air conditioning.  It won't solve everything, but at least it would help me rest.

Natty Honey, are you getting an award?  Wow!  You haven't worked at all this year, and it's already the middle of March.  You must be a movie star or something.  Well, congratulations.  You deserve it, and you are beautiful.  You are MY girl.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Please make a donation of a minimum of one USD to a worthwhile charity

Hi Honey!  How's it going today?  I hope you are looking after yourself and keeping safe.  I hope you are not doing something foolishly brave like challenging Latino gangs because you feel like you have to match up to me or something.  It's not your place or your job to do so.  What you should be doing is be beautiful.  That's all you have to do.  And you are beautiful.  You are very, very beautiful.  So please keep yourself safe, because you are very precious and very valuable, not just to me, but to many many people.

Hey Natty Honey!  Today the computer wants you to watch another Bond movie: "Skyfall" from 2012.  Daniel Craig makes a pretty good Bond.  But the writing is not as good as the earlier Bond movies, even though "Skyfall" is better than most of the recent ones.  Admit it, movie people- Ian Fleming wrote the best Bond movies.  There is so much emphasis on stunts and effects, that there is no time for intrigue.  To me, Daniel Craig scores 2-2 in his Bond movies compared to Sean Connery, who scores 7-0.  All because of the writing.  In all fairness, I haven't seen SPECTRE yet.  Should I?

Monday, March 12, 2018


Hi Honey!  How was work today?  I hope you are doing great, and feeling healthy and confident.  You don't really seem like the type to just stay on the couch and watch TV, although you could.  I would want you to live safely and comfortably, while I do the hard work.  Please be safe, OK?  Yeah, I'm feeling better than yesterday.  Of course you may have noticed some developments that happened to me that I don't talk about, but such is life.  We want to take the high road, perhaps Allah will grant us strength to keep our integrity.  Anyway, the business of entertainment has been the same for a long time now all over the world, and there is no doubt anymore that it is a dangerous business.  If you would study Frank Sinatra, then you would see the connection of entertainment to gambling and the underworld etc, which happens to be the same mode of operation worldwide.  This path that I chose was chosen for me by Allah, and I merely obey.  To give the advantage of the rural over the urban, small business over the banks, and Islam over other religions.  The advantage of music.  You are my wife inshaAllah.

Natty Honey, today the computer wants you to watch "Casino" from 1995.  Evil does the same thing over and over again, because it cannot create: it only wants to rob.  This movie is based on a true story so it says.  Well you can be certain that all the glitz and glamor is the same cycle repeating itself: it doesn't even try to hide anymore.  Why would the mob abandon Vegas?  Because they got bought out by the corporations.  And who are the corporations?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The power drain

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  How's work?  I'm kind of tired myself.  Sunday is always a busy day for me, and I have a lot going on in the morning.  When I was voice training today, I sort of lost power at around 40 minutes.  It was going along just fine, when suddenly I ran out of gas.  But I continued at half luminescence, until the power cut out.  Somehow I tripped a fuse.  I didn't have anything on other than the usual devices I have on at this time for the past 7 years or so, so I guess I might need to replace my power strips or something.  I managed to finish my set, even though I was too tired.  The show must go on, you know.  A couple of hours later, the power went out for the whole area.

Hi Natty honey!  How are you doing today, my beautiful little princess?  Oh I don't have a movie for you today.  The computer didn't assign one for you.  But we all need a break sometimes, even though you are still young and bursting with energy.  It's curious that when I was young, I had all this energy with nothing to do- rather, I didn't do anything worthwhile.  Now I have so much to do, and not enough energy.  Not enough time too.  Diverse now!

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Honey, I don't want you to overwork.  I know I said that you should make as much money for yourself while you can, but you can't.  You have to take care of your health and happiness otherwise this marriage business is over, especially its profitability for 2nd and 3rd parties.  So whatever work you take on from now, please make sure you are able to do it at a slow pace.  Oh so slow.  Like a turtle.  Or a snail.  Make plenty of time for yourself to just hang out at home.  Practice cooking.  Languish on the couch, eat bon bons and watch TV sports.  Work out occasionally.  I think someone told us, "Things happen by itself."  That was you.  So relax and enjoy waiting, my Precious.

Natty, you're still so young.  But inshaAllah, with the influence of our marriage you won't have to struggle like many people.  Of course, they have to feed their families.  But my plan is that I am the one to finance the family, inshaAllah.  So please plan to earn enough to enjoy the waiting, and inshaAllah it won't be a long wait.

Friday, March 9, 2018


I don't want you to overwork, Erin.  Don't just give yourself away, because they will just take as much as they can and not leave anything for you!  So please be tough and turn down some work.  Just take on enough work so that you move very, very slowly.  Please look after your heart and your health, for you are very precious to me.  And don't worry Honey, everything will turn out just fine inshaAllah.  Just relax tonight, and enjoy some chocolate mousse.

Natty, you're so cute!  You should get together with your girl gang and have movie watching parties.  And they should get into the spirit and dress up for the occasion.  Make it fun!  Plus, their involvement would help distract the public eye away from you.  If that is what you want, Movie Star.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hi Honey

I love you with all my heart, Erin.  I really do.  I would wait for you no matter how old we get.  My mind is made up, and I am a very stubborn guy.  Of course I want you to love me.  And of course not only America, but the world is looking to see what the American Princess will do.  Please love me!  Oh, it was my Dad's 81st birthday today.  Happy Birthday Dad.  I don't know if I would live to be that age.  But I am grateful to Allah that God has kept me alive, so I can make music and love my wives.  I was late for voice training today because I had to drive my Dad around.  Sorry, folks.  In the evening I had to pick fruit.  Most of what grows in the yard of my little house/studio and over at your house inshaAllah I don't eat.  Nothing special on the menu, either.  Just fry bread and curry for lunch, and fried rice vermicelli for dinner.  I still have lots of salad dressing left, so maybe I'll go buy greens sometime soon.  I don't eat salads, but I will eat a salad for my Erin!

Hi Natty Honey!  Are you excited?  Are you?  Are you?  Your environment might be still waters on the surface, but there is a lot churning underneath.  Don't let that distract you from your studies, Honey.  Do me proud and do what I wasn't able to do- get a degree.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chicken skin

Hi Honey!  How was your day today?  I hope it wasn't too hard, I hope that work and things are going oh so smoothly for you, and that you are having a grand old time.  I forgot to renew my driver's license.  They set the renewal day on one's birthday, so that people don't forget I guess.  But I forgot- I had so much other things going on, I totally forgot to renew my driver's license before my birthday.  So I went in this morning, and I had to renew for 2 years, since I forgot my own birthday.  Do you believe that?  Anyway, the weather has cooled down a lot since it did rain yesterday evening.  I am feeling pleasantly calm, the cool weather always cheers me up.  I can get so grumpy when it's hot!  I was looking in my freezer, and I saw all this raw chicken skin left over from the last time I processed a chicken.  Lovers of fried chicken would mostly agree with me thatt he best part of the fried chicken is the skin.  So I marinated it then fried it like one would normally fry chicken.  It was awesome!  There is no need to precook: just batter and fry it.  Want some?

Natty Honey, the computer is telling me that the global movie industry is highly interested in your movie watching!  Well, tell them that it's OUR movie watching.  I hope you take the time to dress up and act like a movie star when you watch movies.  But if you don't, it doesn't really matter- you are still MY girl.  Today the computer wants you to watch "Raiders of the Lost Ark" from 1981.  I'm sure you have already seen this movie, but watch it again.  Dress up like an archaeologist if you can.  This movie brings up so many questions, like:
1.  Do archaeologists really look like Indiana Jones?
2.  Is archaeology really like that?
3.  Did the ancient people really have that technology like photo receptors that trigger traps which impale intruders on arrays of massive spikes?
4.  Why is there all that imported liquor in a bar in the secluded Nepalese highlands?
5.  Was the Ark of the Covenant really a gold and jewel encrusted box, when it is clear 2 movies later that the Cup of Christ is an ordinary carpenter's cup?  Was Moses really that flamboyant?
And so many more...  I guess if a movie leaves you asking so many questions, then it MUST be good.  I guess the best part of this movie is that Spielberg didn't screen any small kids being chased by monsters like he usually does.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you doing?  My guess is that you are very busy, being America's name brand and American Princess.  Please make lots of money for yourself while you can.  Now that the birthday month is over, I can go back to preparing Zam food.  So I looked inside my cooler, and decided that today I make beef and potato curry.  I've been trying to simplify my curry recipe, and I think it's working.  The tummy is happy, and all is good.  But it turned out a bit sweet though, I guess it must be the sweetness of the blended onions.  So I had curry and fry bread for lunch.  I didn't eat too much, just a bowlful and bread to match.  Then I froze the rest.  I still had some fry bread left, so I made chili for dinner- I had the fixings for that in my cooler too.  Actually, it was chili con carne con queso: chili with cheese mixed in.  Mighty tasty, but not the dark red you would normally expect from chili.  The cheese lightened it up a bit.  Want some?

Hey Natty Honey!  How's life?  Is life a movie?  Well enough with the action flicks, the computer wants you to watch a romantic movie today.  I like romantic movies, but not all romantic movies.  If a movie is romantic, would that make it a "chick flick"?  I wonder.  From 2001, "Amélie" starring Audrey Tautou.  I like that hair,  I used to sport a smaller version of that hair.  But my head is too big, and the back of my head is unattractive.  Wah!  I wanna be pretty too!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Qur'an 20180306

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

47.  And they used to say, "What!  When we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised up again?"

48.  "And our fathers of old?"

49.  Say, "Yes, those of old and those of later times."

The Inevitable 56:47-49


Hi Honey!  How was your birthday?  Or are you back to work already?  That was a full moon on your birthday, or did you not notice...  I certainly did!  I didn't feel out of place or anything.  I'm rather busy, and it's awfully hot.  Today, I had to go downtown and pay my phone bill.  It's too hot to commute in the morning, too hot for me at least.  I burn easily- i can't spend my life lying on the beach getting tanned.  That would kill me.  I have to stay indoors to an extent- oh I wish I had AC!  Anyway, after paying my phone bill I browsed the hardware stores, searching for things I could make a drum with.  Yes, it looks like I am going to have to make a drum.  Because I certainly can't afford to buy the right drum, or buy a drum period.  Expensive, musical instruments are.  But it's time to write the next album, because I am still able to.

Natty Honey, remember I told you that watching a movie over and over again can bend reality?  Well it can, but some times the computer gives you a movie to watch again.  For a reason- the computer can be very clever sometimes.  Please watch "Speed 2- Cruise Control" again.  The computer makes me watch this one over and over again, this time it's making you watch it again.  You don't have to focus on it Honey, just let it play while you study or something.  "Speed 2" is definitely, or historically rather, a B movie.  But it looks like it had a big budget.  After all, I'm sure it took lots of money to trash a cruise liner, an oil tanker, a seaplane, and a harbor town plus a few extraneous boats.  For us though, it's just a symbol of the tourist trade that fuels our family.

Want some candy?

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hot hot HOT!

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I hope you enjoyed your birthday.   I ate all the chocolate mousse already, it was soft and sweet.  The dragon fruit was good too.  I bought the perfect one, at the right stage of softness.  That flavor... someone should make a drink out of it.  It would be so refreshing.  It was SO hot today.  Ugh.  Even at 7 am I was sweating profusely, and outside too.  The heat seems to intensify after the sun goes down for some reason, maybe it's the humidity.  Ugh.  I need air conditioning.  It looks like it's about to rain outside.  Until it does, it's going to be awful hot and muggy.

Hey Natty Honey!  Wassap wassap WASSAP?!!  How are your studies coming along?  I wish you would take some of this heat, you can give me some snow in exchange.  How's my movie star coming along?  A star has to be a star all the time, you know.  Remember that video I posted about Maria Montez?  I hope you watched that.  Maria Montez was a movie star before she ever made a movie.  You can be a star and still keep your humility.  I certainly don't dress the part.  I think it's because I'm lazy.  My avatar dresses like a star for me.  Everything's computerized nowadays anyway.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Oh Erin

Happy Birthday, Honey.  I love you.
This song is rather loud, so please turn down the volume on your media player.

Marriage is a SERIOUS business!  Hey Natty Honey, I wish you had moved to Paris while you had the chance.  But we take what Allah gives us, and do the best we can.  The computer wants you to watch another movie today.  From 1992, "Under Siege" featuring Steven Seagal as the cook.  Hey, life is a movie.  Movie Star.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Staying indoors ( I wish I had AC)

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today, my darling?  It's just another busy day here today, but I didn't feel the work so much because I stayed mostly indoors- no manual labor!  Yay!  Yeah, I had to water the plants.  It is the dry season, after all.  So I did that right after the dawn prayer, when it was bright enough to see.  It's been so hot and sweltering, even at that time in the morning I had to take my shirt off to work.  But otherwise, I stayed indoors.  I'm preparing for this big presentation I have to do tomorrow, and I'm just making sure everything is running smoothly and as perfect as possible.  I don't normally do this kind of presentation, I just felt that this particular one is important.  Feelings!  Should a love song have a heavy beat and be powerful?  I have always felt that a love song should have the entire spectrum of emotion in it, such as anger, hate, frustration, despair etc. as well as all the positive things, and the music should match that.  But this time I feel that rappers are going to steal my beat.  Oh whatever.  But it's so hot, that my mousse melts before I get a chance to photograph it!  I wish I had AC!  I'll try again after I write this letter.

Hey Natty Honey!  Thanks for sticking around.  You are so gorgeous, you could sink your hooks into any guy and he would kill himself pulling you up.  Hey, the computer has chosen another movie for you to watch today.  From 1983, "Trading Places".  This is one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.  Look at that S car go!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Full Moon Fever

Hi Honey!  Oh, it's the full moon!  It's so pretty.  Will you share it with me?  It came out early here, an hour before sunset.  But are the people behaving strangely?  Not really, not that I can notice.  How was your day, my love?  All I did was vacuum clean my mother's house, go to the taxman to pick up a form, pay my water bill, and dropped by the supermarket to buy a garnish for the chocolate mousse so I can take a snapshot of it, then voice training after that I cut the grass over at your house inshaAllah.  I just came back from the mosque for the sunset prayer with the congregation, and I will be spending the rest of the night on the computer.

Hi Natty Honey!  Are you studying hard?  I hope you watched that movie.  Bruce Lee was a very big deal in his day, and still has a huge impact today.  There is a lot of supernatural surrounding his life and death, and people still talk about it.  He died of brain edema (swollen brain) before his last movie "Enter The Dragon" was released, which became a huge international hit.  His son Brandon was killed on set while filming "The Crow" due to a "weapons malfunction".