Saturday, May 23, 2020

Qur'an 20200524

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

14.  And when they see a Sign, turn it to mockery.

15.  And say, "This is nothing but evident sorcery!"

16.  "What!  When we die and become dust and bones, shall we be raised up?"

17.  "And also our fathers of old?"

18.  Say, "Yes, and you shall then be humiliated."

Those ranged in ranks 37:14-18

Spaghetti again?

Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are healthy and happy!  It's the last day of Ramadan today, so no more mandatory fasting for this year!  I get to drink coffee in the afternoon!  I'm so happy!  Simple pleasures.  I think I managed to step up this Ramadan, inshaAllah.  It sure has been a busy one this year.  The first half of the month was full of aches and pains, and the rest was Internet chaos, all within the frame of Covid-19.  I can't say that Covid-19 is a blessing, but other than that it was a great Ramadan.  Thank You, ya Allah.

The most memorable meals this month were the beef jerky, and the spaghetti!  Yeah I had spaghetti again, for the pre-dawn meal.  It's a beef and onion sauce, onion being the thickening agent.  The beef and eggplant was a better sauce, but this one is a success alhamdulillah.  For breaking fast this dinner, I'm having steamed rice, crunchy anchovies, a couple of sunny side up eggs, and "sambal tumis petai" (bitter beans in hot sauce).  Very traditional.  I would offer you some, but bitter beans is an acquired taste.