Sunday, March 1, 2020

Qur'an 20200302

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

84.  If any does good, the reward to him is better than his deed but if any does evil, the doers of evil are only punished of their deeds.

85.  Verily God Who ordained the Qur'an for you will bring you back to the Place of Return.  Say, "My Lord knows best who it is that brings true guidance and who is in manifest error."

The Narrations 28:84-85

What no cheese?

Oh I haven't seen a bookstore like that in years, Natty.  I think they still have those in the US, small and comfortable.  But those old books and old chairs don't look like they can be sanitized with bleach- I don't think they be sanitized whatsoever.  How would you sanitize a book, Natty?  There is no way you would get a bookstore like that here in the tropics- it would be exploding with vermin.  Too much life!  I remember poetry readings at bookstores like that before the age of computers.  We would try to focus, all the while gorging on wine and cheese.  It should have been coffee and cheese.  I don't drink wine.  Oh, it's time to applause!  Zzzzz....

Ah, another little game of Find the Natty.  This time it looks like you've got yourself a remarkable clone durags and all, I'm glad you gave me 24 hours to figure this one out.  You shouldn't make these tests too difficult, Natty.  Men can be stupid you know, especially when exhausted like I am today.  And you would be VERY upset and unhappy if I gave you the wrong answer.  But my Natty is the one on the left, holding the cell phone.