Friday, February 8, 2019

Qur'an 20190209

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

40.  Say, "Think you to yourselves if there came upon you the Wrath of Allah or the Hour, would you then call upon other than Allah?  If you are truthful!"

41.  Say, "No, on God would you call, and if it be God's Will, God would remove which occasioned your call upon God, and you would forget which you join with God."

42.  Before you We sent to many nations, and We afflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility.

43.  When the suffering reached them from Us, why did they not learn humility?  On the contrary, their hearts became hardened, and Satan made their acts seem alluring to them.

44.  But when they forgot the warning they had received, We opened to them the gates of all things until, in the midst of their enjoyment of Our gifts, of a sudden We called them to account, and they were plunged into despair.

45.  Of the wrongdoers the last remnant was cut off.  Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds.

46.  Say, "Think you if Allah took away your hearing and your sight and sealed up your hearts, who, a god other than Allah, could restore them to you?"  See how We explain the Signs in various ways, yet they turn aside.

47.  Say, "Think you if the punishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed except those who do wrong?"

(The Cattle 6:40-47)


Hi Natty!  Are you excited and busy today?  I guessed you would be.  I hope you are having tons of fun being a supermodel, and making lots of money for yourself.  Now is the time for you.  It's the quiet time that gets a bit lonely, but really my darling you are not alone.  I'm always thinking of you and longing to be with you.  You are such a beautiful girl, and I love you.  I will marry you inshaAllah.  So don't you worry about a thing, OK?  Everything is going to turn out just great for us inshaAllah.

Things don't really slow down over here.  If it seems that I take my time, that's not true.  I'm so backed up that it's futile whether I hurry or don't.  So I go as fast as my heart and my overgrown feet allow me.  That yard needs work.  I need to cut the grass.  I have a lot of computer work to do.  Shadowplay's next album is going so slowly, but I supposed that is a blessing in disguise because I can't bash on the drums whenever I feel like it.  There are all these daily chores that need to be done.  Then I need time to cook my food.  I need time to eat my food.  I need time to clean up the kitchen.  Ugh, I've started to think of what more to do when I can afford to pay for it inshaAllah.  When the time comes my love, and you have to walk beside me, you're going to have to slow down to keep up with me.  I'm SOOOO slow...  😪