Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121014

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my sweetness.  How are you feeling, Julia?  I'm watching the Sailor Moon marathon on Shadowplay TV.  You must be a little too young for Sailor Moon, huh?  Let's see... 1992.  What were you doing in 1992?  You were 8 or 7 years old?  Hey, November 2 is close by!  Happy birthday, my beloved!  8 years old is perfect for watching Sailor Moon.  but you must have been into sports instead, I suppose.  I'm just an otaku, or more accurately, a Sailor Moon otaku.  Episode 9 is so funny, when Usagi gets hexed with an impatience spell.  The first season is very creepy funny, but it's the ambience that I love most.  Very surreal.  I guess it was surreal for me because in 2003, a year after Andre died, my apartment building was sold to a new landlord, so renovations were made, and I had to stay temporarily at an empty apartment downstairs.  That's when I received the dvd of the first season of Sailor Moon, which I watched on my 2" lcd tv.  Soon after, the new landlord evicted me (even though I was always prompt with rent), but praise Allah there was an empty apartment across the yard belonging to someone else, an exact mirror duplicate, upstairs even.  Say, that should be the next Bond villain: an evil landlord!

Woo hoo!  I have a new record on Krush, Kill and Destroy: 26,777 kills in 3.5 hours!  Gaming purists would wonder why I don't play Warcraft instead, but Kknd moves much faster, and each army can have up to 1000 units on the field at a time.  So I face 5 armies to rack up the kills.  Of course, I choose the high ground.  Secure the high ground NOW, before you all run out of time!  The computer calculates the weak spots, then sends in massive numbers.  What a callous general the computer is!  That's when the most entertaining mayhem and chaos occurs, when the field is packed, things move like lightning, and you can't find the cursor.  Yeah, I'm lazy and should be doing something more constructive, but it helps me bide the time as I wait for Allah to allow me to have you.  But I did manage to watch Sailor Moon as I played video games!  Efficient loafing!