Sunday, July 19, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150720

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you today, my darling?  I just saw that new Victoria's Secret ad that got posted recently, you know the one with you and Lindsay and 2 other girls.  That is current, right?  I'll put it on my TV station.  You are my most beautiful girl, of course.  Because you are MY girl.  You are the one I love, and I need you.

My Bob Cat caught a fever at the same time I did.  You can tell if a cat has a fever without a thermometer by embracing it to feel if it's too hot (compare with a healthy cat).  Also, it has no appetite and is listless.  So I gave him a fever reducer, and he took it quite easily.  The next time I saw him, he seemed better, but still a little low in energy.  So I tried to give him another pill, but this time he struggled and I couldn't get the pill in.  Plus he stuck his claw in my pinky, and it bled profusely.  Bobby knew people were watching, so he put on a great act by dry heaving and spitting out- BLEAH! BLEAH! POOI! POOI!  I didn't get anything in his mouth!  Next he didn't show up for dinner.  If he still has a fever next time I see him, I'm going to have to dissolve the pill and use a syringe.