Hi there, beautiful Natty! How's it going today? I sure hope you are keeping safe and healthy. I just got done with dinner. I had eggs and beans, plus I steamed some fishy treats my brother gave me. I made the last batch of beans too rich, I can't eat too much at a time. That cats love them, but if I can't eat the beans then they can't eat the beans. I might have to chuck the whole batch, I don't know. I didn't have anything sweet. I did buy a bottle of strawberry juice with basil seeds yesterday (a Vietnamese soft drink), I drank half of it then and the other half this morning. That was sweet. I planted some of the seeds just to see what happens. They're most likely dead, but you never know. I know you love sweets Honey, but now is the time to slam on the brakes and make sugary things an occasional thing instead of an everyday thing, and not be forced to chop off a leg or two. If you can't live without sugar, then you definitely (will) have diabetes.
My brother also gave me some fish crackers, so I fried them up yesterday evening. My mother loves the stuff, and I like them too sometimes. Depends on the recipe. This is a good batch though, and the same type as the video above. I used a big fire though, so I had to hustle cook. I dropped a handful at a time into super hot oil, and got done with the task very quickly. These fish crackers make a nice snack, with no sugar and the crunch is gentle and easy on the teeth. Of course the cats love this stuff. I can't even eat it in the privacy of my bedroom and they hear the crunch, then start yowling at my bedroom door. Would you like to try some?