Sunday, April 25, 2021

Swing low


Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  I hope everything is going great for you, and you are having a splendid time.  Oh it's Sunday over here, and busy as usual.  A little more BS than usual, but even that makes it usual.  Lily is still alive, no she's not paralyzed or anything like that.  She needs to calm down, and not be so excited about everything.  I told her, "There's nothing to get excited about.  It's all mostly just the same old shit and another stupid day.  You need to slow down, don't get another seizure!"  I think she understands, and she seems to be calmer somewhat.  I just got done getting my dinner ready.  I bought some grilled glutinous rice to go with my pulled beef and fresh mangoes.  I need to simplify my pulled beef recipe.  I added some of it to my ramen and it tasted like perfection, except that it gave me the runs.  Always something to mess with perfection!  I also boiled some taters for home fries in the morning.  Even though it's a whole kilo, I need some meat to go with that.  I could never be a vegetarian.  So it will be burgers with cashew relish.