Sunday, December 9, 2018

Internet problems

Hi Natty.  How are you feeling, my love?  I'm sorry I wasn't able to sing at Fireside today, if you were happened to be waiting to listen.  Internet problems.  I'm preparing to change my ISP, but since I obviously have Internet now I'm going to have to give my current ISP one last chance.  I'm especially sorry for the folks out there who need me to get some sleep.  But really, you people need to learn how to relax.  Pray and ask God to help you sleep.

Natty I know your love life sucks, but my love life sucks too.  I need to be married, but I must be the one who finances our family.  So please don't hurt or kill yourself, because Allah has been really nice to you.  Think about what you DIDN'T have to do to get to the position you are now.  I want you to know that I love you and care for you, and I will take care of you inshaAllah.  So please do as I say and be patient, pray that God grants me wealth enough to marry soon, and protect your health and your chastity.  Meanwhile, have fun with your career OK?