Thursday, October 29, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151030

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello sweet Erin!  How's it going?  I'm sure you're busy being the center of attention.  Well, as long as you don't seek or crave it, then you'll be OK inshaAllah.  Give your heart a break, OK?  I love you, and I need you.

Oh, nothing special going on here today.  In fact, when I looked around me at 9 am, I had nothing to do.  Well...  I didn't really want to do anything.  I didn't tell anyone that, though.  It was a pleasant surprise, though.  The situation was a convergence of things already been done, should be done later, or don't have the money to do.  So I slept the morning away.  Ah!  Simple pleasures.  I wasn't altogether lazy today, though.  I cut the grass in the evening.

Dinner isn't all that special, either.  I have a lot of tenderloin but more urgently, the hot sauce (also known as sambal belacan) my Mom gave me needs to be used up quickly or the mold will get it first.  Can't be frozen, either.  So for dinner is tenderloin with white rice and sambal belacan.  Simplicity, Erin.  Slurp!  Alhamdulillah.  The food needs to sit for a while, so I'll eat it after I write to you then after the sunset prayer.