Monday, January 11, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160112

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there!  How are you feeling?  It's been rather busy, so it's hard to calm down sometimes.  And it's so hot over here.  At least it's cold over there.  No sweat!  Well, I hope you are keeping safe.  I read about that incident in Brooklyn Park.  Please try to stay home!  If you need to go running, then use an indoors track.  Oh, it's so difficult to be beautiful.  I love you and I need you.  Ya Allah, please protect my beloved.

Yeah, it's been a busy morning and I've been driving around on my motorcycle under the blazing sun all morning.  Long lines, too.  So I took a nap while I was at the Land Office.  Good thing too, because I was there an hour and a half.  But the time just whizzed by in Sleepyland.  I think I was snoring, too.  It wasn't enough sleep though, and I was struggling through voice training.  But I managed to finish my set.  Praise be to Allah.

Yeah, I'm beat.  Dinner was tenderloin and oyster mushrooms in half pitas.  I really like those half pitas.  I think they're the best form of fry bread.  You must try it sometime.  Wow, I think I'll take a nap before I go to sleep.

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