Sunday, September 11, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109012

The Matrix has you, Julia. Yes! Since we were talking about business, let's discuss next about what is fair and equal in balance as regards to business. I'm sure you've felt unhappy many times over the amount of work you had to do in respect to the returns you received. Since you are my mate, the balance is more lop-sided than you figured. Since the situation is spiritual in nature, it becomes even more lop-sided than that. God is the Best at taking account, so I suppose that means that which way the scales drop depends on one's service to God. Not just by acts of worship, but also by acts of justice and compassion (which could also accepted by Allah as acts of worship).

The most basic form of fair balance is for example, when you buy groceries like fish and cooking oil, you would not want it to be overpriced. Then you would wonder why would it be overpriced: perhaps somebody 5000 miles away would pay extra or buy more volume, so that you as a local would have to pay extra. Then you would feel that it would be fair to give the locals a more accessible price as they are the ones that generate the product. Or maybe they spent the money on some sort of speculation, that they became steeped in debt, and are now placing the burden of repayment on the consumer. Or perhaps it is a simple case of greed, that those who set the prices would want see how much money they can squeeze from the consumer before the consumer resorts to corporeal action. But I'm sure whoever they may be are really nice people who use the extra money they make to feed the poor and replenish natural resources.

Allah takes detailed accounting of every deed, every intent and every cent spent or withheld by every human. What we perceive to be wealth could be a lifetime of accumulation of short measures, and since these people have not received their reckoning yet, they are perceived as right, and immune. Allah pays special attention to family matters and inheritance, and the proportions thereof are specified in detail in the Qur'an. After all, we are never able to be repay in fairness to our parents, who gave birth to us. Also it seems that the influence of my family is more consideration to others than Allah.

Since I have chosen to marry you Julia, you are sharing the influence of my lifetime's work, and the music given to me by Allah. Entertainment business is certainly a trial, but the influence of the music is both tangible and profound. But of course I am perceived as powerless since I don't have all the material possessions that greed aspires to, plus the gold adornments. They simply can't understand anything else. I trust Allah for my sustenance, for the end is for the righteous, then insyaAllah the scales will come crashing down heavily in my favor, if Allah accepts my work and my worship. Ya Allah, please grant Julia and I and the sincerely righteous peace in this lifetime and the next, and make our path easy.