Saturday, September 25, 2021

Not much going on

 Hi Natty!  How are you today, my love?  I hope you are well, and enjoying yourself.  There's not much going on over here today other than the usual.  I swept the house first thing in the morning, then I had takeout lunch.  I didn't do any yard work today.  Instead I tried recording some drum fill for one of the songs on Shadowplay's next album, "Rise of the Horizon Creature" aka "Search for the Beast".  I had to do it as gently as possible so as not to antagonize my mother.  Being the drummer for Shadowplay is a very difficult job.  I don't know if I got the right take, I might have to manipulate it in order for it to sound acceptable.  Or try and try again.  Being gentle is difficult to do for something that's supposed to be loud and frightening.  I had beans for dinner.  That was a good batch of beans.  I bet if I manufactured that recipe into cans, it would sell like hell.  However, I'm out of the food business.  Contrary to popular opinion, you can't do music and food business at the same time.  Unless you want to be mediocre.  Anyway Honey, it's almost time to pray the sunset prayer.  I love you!