Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Qur'an 20180118

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

13.  Those who lagged behind will say when you march and take booty, "Permit us to follow you."  They wish to change Allah's decree.  Say, "Not thus will you follow us.  Allah has declared beforehand."  Then they will say, "But you are jealous of us."  No, but little do they understand.

14.  Say to the Arabs who lagged behind, "You shall be summoned to fight a people given to vehement war: then shall you fight, or they shall submit.  Then if you show obedience, Allah will grant you a goodly reward, but if you turn back as you did before, God will punish you with a grievous penalty."

The Victory 48:13-14


I counted the rings on those clams again, and I counted about 160 years on the oldest clam.  So I guess they're not as old as I thought, but 160 years old is still pretty old, don't you agree?  When I first cooked up the clams, I ate all the meat and I had a lot of broth, so I put the broth in the freezer.  No problems.  The next day, I made soup with the broth, but I still had a lot left over, so I put that back in the freezer.  And there is the problem: I didn't follow my own rule not to keep leftovers past one day.  The next day, I cooked my noodles in the broth for lunch.  And I have been nauseous all day.  I was still able to work, but late in the evening I had to stick my finger down my throat and puke the whole mess out.  Ugh.  I feel better now, but I need to follow my own advice.  Honey, absolutely no leftovers past one day OK?  At least I know what to do about those clams now- never buy them again.

Natty honey, how's business today?  Are you bringing your Mom along in your adventures with big business?  Please remember to stay clean- you both have to stay at best health, and keep all your wits about you.  You have a chance to make a lot of money and now is the time Natty, so please stay safe and have fun with your career.  Please pray.