Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why ask why

Hi there, my lovely Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  Still kind of amped up?  Things pass my darling, don't you worry so much.  Everything is going to turn out just great for us inshaAllah.  Just have lots of fun being you, because you are so beautiful, you are MY girl, and I love you.  Not much going on here, just the usual.  I wish it were cooler, but oh well.  Nothing great on the menu, either.  Just ramen for lunch and tortillas for dinner.  I've been watching "Breaking Bad".  Great show, but I haven't seen all the episodes.  I just don't have them, so if you have the dvd then save it and we can watch it together.  I'm content with just the summary on Wikipedia to fill in the blanks.  I'm nothing like Walter White.  I broke bad when I was a kid.  Just ask my parents.  But Allah saved me, alhamdulillah.  Now I just stay in one place and do my thing.  This evening I cut grass, then harvested jackfruit.  I don't eat the stuff.  Too sweet.