Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Just an average day

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, my love?  I hope everything is going great for you, and that you are feeling absolutely great.  It's just an average day for me.   I blew out the dust from my house in the morning with an engine blower, then went to the hospital to pick up my Dad's prescription.  I stopped by the supermarket to get some boneless chicken breast.  Yoolie is still recovering from her first heat.  The poor thing was paralyzed by lust, but now she can move around a little.  She got her appetite back alhamdulillah, but I'm taking this opportunity to feed her less so she can slim down a little.  I also gave her an anti-worm pill.  I just finished dinner.  I made a couple of pita breads, then for the stuffing I cubed up some chicken breast and tofu, and fried them in butter, salt and pepper.  I also fried up some onions.  I think dinner was a success, I think you would have enjoyed it.  Well it's Tuesday, and I'm going to head out to the mosque now to listen to "Tok Guru" (old teacher) talk about the Qur'an.  You take care, my darling.  I love you.