Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130320

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh hi, Julia.  How are you, Sweetie?  I stayed at home and grilled squid yesterday, so I didn't go to work on the Internet.  I just stayed on front of the grill, and ate squid as I grilled it.  It was delicious!  Want some?  Oh, I already ate all of it!

So I just stay at home by my lonesome, waiting for Allah to bring us together in this life, as well as the Hereafter.  I take care of my parents who live next door to some extent, but they know that I've been quite the hermit ever since I was a kid, so we don't gab a lot.  It's difficult to talk to parents about everything.  The person I talk the most with is.... you.  It's probably because I love you, and I want to marry you.

So I am a recluse.  I'm not close to my siblings, and out of the friends I've made in the past, I only made a promise of return to the mysterious piano player and his sister.  I have a business agreement for 3 cds on consignment with CD Baby since 1998, but I haven't received a penny from them for that, so you can't expect me to have much respect for that relationship.  After all, what matters to a musician is the money received as opposed to the money lost along the way, right?  I think I'll just sell cds at a stall here in the kampung than to ever do business with a record company ever again.  I'll make more money that way!

But I am a recluse.  I don't talk to anybody.  Even when I go out to eat, I order my food and eat quietly.  Anyone who claims to have a connection or business with me other than those I just mentioned is fraudulent.  They must have a contract.