Monday, March 26, 2018

The Drum

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Oh my beloved Erin, I do so long to be with you.  Always I have this longing to be married, it's what drives me.  I need a set of drums to produce the next album, but drums are very expensive.  And since they don't see the need to give me a set of drums so that I can create music, I am making my own drum.  InshaAllah, it will be a great drum.  InshaAllah, it will be a very famous drum.

Natty Honey, please don't worry- everything will turn out great inshaAllah.  I will not abandon my wives, I will not abandon you inshaAllah.  I know the waiting is awful, but I have to wait too.  And you are beautiful- if you get tired of waiting for me, there are plenty of men out there who want you.  But I remain faithful to my wives, Allah is my Witness.  We will be married, inshaAllah.