Monday, December 26, 2016


Oh, you want more?  How about some cuttlefish?  I scored a great deal on cuttlefish at the market early this morning.  I don't think the locals know how to deal with cuttlefish.  Me, I'm thinking that it's fried calamari time.  You like fried calamari, Erin?  The squid is fresh when the skin isn't torn and all the pigment is still there.  Some people say the squid is fresh when it's white, but you have to be careful that it isn't day-old squid with the skin peeled off.
I process the squid by removing the eyes,
the beak,
the backbone but for cuttlefish, is the big fat cuttle bone,

which makes great bird food by the way, and the stomach and ink sacs.  I didn't take a snapshot of that because it got too darn slimy and messy at that point.  I burst a couple of the ink sacs... what a mess.  Plus, the stomach has to go because of what's inside it, namely what the squid was eating when it was caught.  In this case it was baby pomfret.  Pomfret is going for RM50 a kilo nowadays, but when it's been inside the squid's belly not even the cat wants to eat it.  Cats don't like squid, but Floofy was meowing and begging up a storm while I was working.  Hey!  Don't ask for something you don't want!

Pina, you're finding out that you like being the center of attention, huh?  This is unlike your "Nowhere Girl" image.  Don't lose your modesty, honey.  You too, Natty.  Don't lose your modesty.  I don't seek attention, I don't pay much attention to attention.  Doesn't it show?