Monday, July 16, 2018

The Hunger Games

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today?  I hope you are feeling nice and calm and happy, and that everything is running as smooth as silk for you.  I was going to make shepherd's pie today, but I've run out of time- it's already sunset.  I spent too much time running around for the ingredients.  Good thing shepherd's pie is within budget.  I had a dream about the mash potato recipe, too.  But it's already sunset, and I have to start on my night work.  Crammed schedule, you know you know.  I'm not hungry, though.  I made a couple of cheeseburgers instead, that's quick and easy.  Want one?

Hi Natty Honey!  How's African food?  It sure looks like "Gorillas In The Mist" there.  Oh, that movie was depressing though.  I sure hope you don't pursue a career as a selfless naturalist, honorable though it be.  It would be impossible for me to protect you.  Africa is already out of my reach of any influence.  You need God's help for that kind of work.  I saw "The Hunger Games" for the first time today.  Hey, that's your big brother!  He sure looks young.  He makes a pretty good bad guy.  Oh no, I'm not asking you to watch it too.  You've probably already seen it a million times.