Thursday, January 2, 2020


Hi Natty!  Wow, that definitely doesn't look like America.  I would guess to be southern Italy or South America.  You must be more beautiful than ever, since the boys can't stay away from you.  Please stay away from boys.  I hope you are having a wonderful time, wherever you are.

It used to be that lack of privacy meant that people had their ears pressed to the wall or they were hiding in the bush to listen to whatever.  Then with progress, people used to tap phone lines in order to spy on somebody.  Nowadays, we have drones hovering above us.  Just because you folks hide your drones behind the leaves or behind the building, doesn't mean I don't know you're there.  The birds and the cats definitely know you're there.  If I saw a drone over my house, I would shoot it down.  That's what I recommend to others as well.  The probability that the drone is equipped with a camera and microphone is 100%.

If they had been spying on me as I was in the kitchen, I had an exasperating evening there.  Not just because I have predators jumping onto the counter top while I'm trying to work.  On December 1 2019, red onions were RM3 for 3 kilos.  Today is January 2 2020, and red onions are RM12 a kilo.  I can live without onions, but this means that "sambal tumis" (blended chillies, onions and "belacan" (fermented shrimp paste) cooked in oil until saturated) is not practical for my budget.  What can I use in lieu of onions?  I decided to try tofu.  The concept was sound I think, even though it blended up pink instead of red.  But when I fried it up, it coagulated into a scrambled eggs kind of texture.  The flavor was acceptable, but I would have to call it a failure due to appearance and texture.