Monday, November 14, 2016

Hello, my Darling

How are you today my beautiful Erin?  It's raining heavily right now, and the wind is howling.  I was about to do some yard work, but God gave me an excuse to be lazy.  Alhamdulillah.  I can't do anything outside while it's pouring like this.  There's nothing special on the menu either, just hummus and eggs for dinner.  I could cook up something fancier, but one thing you must know about kitchen economics Erin, is that food in the cooler must be rotated.  Leftovers and older food must be used up.  Sorry kids, nothing exciting today for dinner.  The Lord does not love those who waste.

How are you Natty?  Are those emotions calming down?  One would think that emotional swings come in cycles, but I don't know about that.  They come when they come.  I used to wish I had no emotions when I was younger, but I can't sing without them.  In fact, I sing best when I'm emotionally thrashed.  But I believe that it's more important to control one's emotions.  Patience.  If you don't feel absolutely great, then patience is the next best emotion.