Saturday, September 30, 2017

The cell phone and the portable computer

Wow.  My computer blew up its power supply, so I can't work at Second Life.  Suddenly, I have my nights free.  I spent last night catatonic and gaping, watching TV.  What to do with all this extra time?  Am I really a workaholic?  Do you want to make love?  I guess God has my taking a break of seclusion away from the crowd.  Second Life was getting either too faggy or too many young girls.  I prefer the company of my wife.  Well it seems that l have been forced into a greater isolation, so there is no more "meet and greet" for now.  The only way to connect with me is through my wife.

Oh, you're not here.  Duh.  I think I'll spend my nights playing bass while I watch TV, and work on the next album.  I already have the songs and the story written, but I need to clean it up.  I need to record it, of course.  I need a drum set.  Hey, I'm starting to get the hang of writing on this smartphone.  I like the word assist feature.  I used to use this smartphone as a phone, but I got sick of receiving calls while I was trying to play a game, so I took the SIM card out, and put it in a Nokia brick.  So I have a smartphone as a portable computer, and a phone that's just a phone.  My modem is also portable and a Wi-Fi transmitter, so I use that to connect to the Internet.  I've figured out how to upload files InshaAllah, so I can add some color to these posts.  I need a new computer, ya Allah!  Something that can handle virtual reality....

Natty, what beautiful shoulders you have.  What a dreamy apparition roaming the night you are.  And in Paris too.  What a fairytale.  I just want to reach out and lift your hair....  Oh no, I'm starting to sound like that Carlos guy!