Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fruit that I don't eat

Hi Natty!  Yay, Dior!  I love that hoodie.  You must be nervous and excited about that Dior cover, huh?  Don't worry Honey, you did great.  It's interesting how they arranged that brand name so the main thing we see is the word "Christian".  Way to mess with people's heads!  Do you like that type of scooter, Natty?  If you don't want to sit behind me, we can always ride side by side and hog the road.

Have you ever tried jackfruit?  There are 2 types of jackfruit that are common here.  I spent the evening harvesting the sickly sweet type, which oozes a sticky white resin.  I don't eat jackfruit.  Too sweet for me.  So I have 27 fruit sitting on my porch, and my mother took one for herself, and is going to give the rest away.

There is a girl who sings a great Whitney in today's Jap kids video.