Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130115

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia.  How are you feeling?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  Of course I think of you constantly, and I long for our lives together to start as soon as possible.  But Allah commands that we be patient.  After all, I want to give you a good married life.

Have you ever noticed that everything is so tangled up with everything else , that it's a monumental effort just to get started?  For example, I wanted to brew some tea, but my counter top had a big fat bamboo shoot and a bag of fruit on it.  So I had to peel the bamboo shoot, and portion out the tender parts, marinade it in the salt brine which was under 3 other containers in the cooler, finish the bag of fruit, bleach down and wipe the counter top (and the stove top since I had the momentum), measure out some tea leaves in the strainer, and put 4 teaspoons of sugar in the teapot.  Good thing I boiled the water in the rice cooker while I did all that.  Imagine the hurdles I had to jump just to vacuum clean my room.  No wonder I'm so damn lazy.