Friday, April 24, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150425

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  Darling!  Today I got to try that home made chocolate bar I made yesterday.  It tastes OK, it had snap like a chocolate bar should, but I can't seem to get that cooking chocolate flavor out.  You know, that taste of grease... I have half a kilo of cooking chocolate left.  I think I know a way to get rid of that taste.  InshaAllah.  Maybe I'll recook that chocolate bar I made, but that would make me lose my starting point, you know what I mean?

Grass grows very quickly here and it had been raining a lot lately, so I always find myself cutting grass.  Today I cut the grass around my little house.  The weather was so comfortable, it felt like autumn in Salt Lake City.  Almost.  I didn't break a sweat, though.  Which is great.  I like it cool.

You be cool too, dearest.  Many many kisses from me, the one who loves you and needs you.