Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150402

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Yeah, I definitely don't want a donkey dick.  You can't wear a miniskirt or dress with a dick that big.  I'm sure God will relax the dress code by then, inshaAllah.  Oh my God!  I don't even know if I'm going to heaven, but I'm getting so excited!  Ya Allah, please forgive our sins, and allow us to enter heaven.

I need to make a report for Cat News.  My female kittens are currently in heat.  ---- is the one who is suffering the most from the need to spawn.  So far she never howls when I'm asleep, and when she does howl, she goes to the far side of the house.  The other two have a more relaxed attitude, but it's probably because the major wave of emotion hasn't hit them yet.  The boys don't have the same problem, because they can't get pregnant.  So they are enjoying their lives as outdoor cats.  Bob Cat is a big, brawny boy now, and he's still growing.  He seems to know what territory is his as I would want him to see it.  And he's bold, and he chases his enemies away great distances.  He just acquired his first battle scar, and his first major rival is a Bat Cat clone.  He's afraid of his mother though, and she knows it.  She likes to follow him around and torment him.  He never fights back, but just runs away.  Bat Cat is a more laid back fellow.  He's the type that likes to watch from a distance, or back up his brother.  Ya Allah, thank You for my beautiful cats.

Of course I love you, Erin.  You're my girl!  I need you.  So please don't be blue, because I will marry you inshaAllah.  Please be patient, until Allah grants me the means to finance our marriage.  Meanwhile you want to focus on your career while you have the advantage, and the best time is now before you marry.  So please have fun, be a good girl, maintain your prayers, and take good care of yourself, OK?

Qur'an 20150402

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

13.  But if they turn away, say, "I have warned you of a stunning punishment like that of the 'Ad and the Thamud!"

Expounded 41:13

I have warned you of a stunning punishment like that of the 'Ad and the Thamud!