Friday, May 31, 2019

Just another average day

Hi Erin!  How are you, Honey?  Are you feeling good?  Are you as beautiful as ever?  I'll bet you are.  I love you.  How's business?  It's just another average day for me.  I went shopping for my Mom in the morning, I bought some vinegar, ginger and chillies for her, and some cat food for Floofy, Luka and Emma.  This particular brand always sells out, so I bought a couple of bags.  It's Friday, so I had to go to Friday prayer.  Then after voice training, I cut the grass.  For dinner, I marinated some sliced beef liver in turmeric and salt, then sauteed it in ginger and onions.  To be eaten with lettuce and pocket bread.  Would you like to try some?  Liver is good for your blood!

Hi Natty.  Yes, you do look happy.  And beautiful.  I love you.