Sunday, June 2, 2019


Hello, my Ladies!  How are you?  How is your Sunday?  I hope you are feeling great and having a wonderful time.  Sunday is always active for me, so right now I'm feeling worn out.  But it's almost time to break fast, and I will be having pastries, mangoes, blackcurrant juice and iced tea.  Sounds good, huh?  I bought the pastries, they're stuffed with sardines.  I went to the supermarket after voice training, and bought some groceries.  I also got some raw pastry squares, and I plan to stuff them with that extra thick curry I made.  Should work out OK inshaAllah.  I also got some chocolate, potato chips, lettuce, parsley, sliced cheese, sliced bread and tomatoes.  I'm on motorcycle, so I can only buy what I can carry.  But if you were riding at the back, you could probably carry some grocery bags.  Nah, we'll have to take the car.  It's so much easier to park and weave through traffic on a motorcycle though.  Saves gas, too.  Anyway, I'm going to veg out and watch some TV before breaking fast.  I love you!