Saturday, April 8, 2017

Busy, busy, busy

So please take some time for yourself!  Please look after yourself my darling, because I love you so much.  All those people can be a drain, but having to be nice all the time is a bigger drain, right?  Thank God for the digital age: now that you have a pad, you can bring your TV everywhere with you, lock yourself up in your hotel room, and order room service.  Did you bring your cat along with you?

I used to sell magazines over the telephone.  We used to call people up at their homes (no cell phones yet then), tell them they have a chance to win 100 grand, then sell them a magazine package.  Some of the people we called were cold turkey, but most had been harassed by telemarketers over and over again.  "How did you get this number?'  "Put me on your do not call list!"  Etc etc.  We were given a script to narrate, at times I would read the script verbatim, sometimes I would improvise, sometimes I would talk over them, most of the time I would argue with them etc etc.  I think I was most productive when I had the smoothest tone of voice, I listened to what they had to ask, and was most matter-of-fact in demeanor.  Good telemarketers don't last long, though.  It's such an emotional job.  Then they start to know who you are, and it's all over.  I did learn how to maintain an argument from it though, plus I acquired a very thick "skin" for public speaking.

I worked late on Second Life last night, so I went back to sleep after dawn prayer and woke up late.  After my usual daily chores in the morning, I went downtown to pay my bills and get gasoline.  I got home in time to make chicken broth from the bones I portioned, then my lunch which was rice vermicelli in soup.  After voice training and the Asr prayer, I cut the grass by the side of the road.  Then I showered and went downtown to buy a new litter box.  I stopped by Ina's to buy some iced tea, now I'm writing to you after the sunset prayer.  I haven't made my dinner yet.  I'll probably make my dinner when I get back from the mosque after the night prayer.  Then it's back on Second Life.

Natty, I advise you not to participate in Varsity sports.  You can be a spectator, but not a participant.  I'm afraid someone else has taken that niche.  I suggest that you take an acting class instead, and participate in theater.  You will find that to be very productive and profitable indeed inshaAllah.  If you are taking business classes, please focus on food business (international sales and distribution).  And please try not to consume interest.