Friday, October 20, 2017


Hi Honey!  How are you, my darling?  How was work today?  I hope you are feeling great and everything is going smoothly.  Today is Friday, so I had to go for Friday prayer.  I took it slow in the morning- it took me a couple hours to whip up a batch of coconut croquettes.  Yeah, I had a very slow start, I just felt so sluggish.  But I was active in the evening.  It was hot, but not as hot as yesterday, so voice training today wasn't such a struggle.  I harvested fruit over your house inshaAllah today!  I harvested baby coconuts and bananas.  The coconuts were a bit small, but the squirrels were already going after them so I thought I might as well take them before the squirrels do.  I got a lot of bananas, though.  I'm sure you are familiar with a banana- in the supermarket you would normally buy them in combs.  Well one bunch is about 6 combs in your garden, and I pulled down 4 bunches today.  That's a lot of bananas for your pet monkey.  I don't particularly like these particular bananas, but my Mom loves to make fritters or something with them.  She'll just give away the rest.

Natty, this heat is driving me bananas!  I loathe hot weather.  So I loathe the desert and the sweltering tropical heat.  But I can't move to Canada.  My orders are to stand my ground here.  Yes Honey, I receive my orders by inspiration and by studying the Qur'an.  If I lived in Canada, I would have no influence over Asia, and face it: Asia is the center of the world nowadays.  I think you would love the hot weather, though.  Very few women like cold weather, I've noticed.

I have another wallpaper for you folks out there!  I really like this one.