Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Have mercy on the poor

Hi Natty!  It's nice to see you again.  You are looking lovely and happy, I hope you are having a wonderful holidays.  You must have gathered countless suitors by now, so please have faith in our love and guard your chastity.  Please pray that Allah will soon grant me wealth enough to finance our marriage and family.  It may be a fad, but I think people are getting quite psycho over this chastity issue.

I am grateful to Allah that you have been granted abundance.  Since it's Christmas, I am taking this opportunity to ask you to please show some kindness to the poor.  Please don't be like those people who call themselves Christian yet they continue to endorse the wealthy who have proven over and over again to have no mercy on the poor, and go so far as to oppress them.

This movie actually starts at the 32 minute mark.  At least it's free to watch.