Thursday, March 12, 2020

Spanish mackerel

Hi Natty!  How are you?  What's going on?  I hope you are taking measures to keep yourself safe.  If the US stock market fails, then NYC could become a very unsafe place.  Things can happen fast with the stock market.  One day you're sipping coffee at your favorite cafe, the next day a loaf of bread is 50 bucks and sold out, and you have no transportation.  Please keep yourself safe from the crash and the virus.  By keeping yourself safe it means you care about us and you care about me.  Don't be a hero.  Escape to safety.

It's Spanish mackerel season right now over here.  Spanish mackerel is one of the tastier fishes, especially raw.  My Mom gave me a couple this morning, so I had sashimi for lunch.  It's not east to fillet the smaller fishes, and this fish has delicate flesh so it's easy to mangle the fillet.  But the smaller ones are cheaper, and that's what I got.  So delicious and all natural alhamdulillah!