Monday, October 8, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121008

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my beloved Julia.  How are you feeling?  I'm sorry I didn't make it in yesterday, but I had to run an errand.  Did you know that Shadowplay is a legitimately registered business in Malaysia?  I registered it 2 years ago, but of course no money came in.  So I was late in renewing it this year.  They didn't like that, so I got slapped with a fine and made me renew for 5 years at a time.  But hey, it is cool that Shadowplay is a global brand based in Malaysia.   My number is RA0021863-H.  The next step is to generate income.... for myself!

Needless to say that I'm tapped out after paying for that.  After all, I still rely on my Mommy to feed and house me.  So I will have to cut back on my internet hours.  Please forgive me if I don't post a love letter as frequently.  I still love you with all my heart.  I will always love with all my heart.

On Sunday, I had a disastrous time cooking.  Most unblessed.  I had to re-roast my snack peanuts because they weren't snappy enough, and I burned half of them.  The noodles I bought were terribly bitter for some reason, and ruined my curry noodles.  I wasted all the curry my Mom gave me.  The okra I picked from my yard was like leather, and they were baby ones too!  So I gave up on food for the rest of the day.  I suppose it was God's way of reminding me not to register Shadowplay as a food business.