Monday, December 17, 2018

Please make a donation in the name of Allah of a minimum of one US dollar to a worthwhile charity

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, beautiful girl?  Still not ready?  None of us are ever ready, my love.  Allah will always test us from directions we do not perceive.  So please learn to go with the flow, yet maintain your integrity.  Ride the snake.

If you had not noticed, the history of this blog began as a link from my old website, which I had hosted on a webhost at a monthly fee.  This blog was meant to be my Qur'an blog, especially when it became obvious that I won't be making any money here.  Even though times were tough, I managed to maintain the monthly payments on my old website until a point, which was about the middle of 2011.  As you can see, that year I began to post more on this blog where previously I had posted on my website.  When I posted on my website, I did it by changing the layout every time I posted so there is no catalog of what I had written/posted.  I sincerely doubt anybody kept a record of my posts on my old website, so all that has blown with the wind.  😁  I'm nothing like Kurt Cobain: I hate keeping a journal, and I have no desire for people to try figure me out.  Let them not know as they not cared before.  If it were not for my wife, I probably would only post a few times per month.  This also goes for the music and production: the knowledge will probably disappear with me.  😁  Let the people worship Allah instead.