Thursday, October 22, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151023

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you today, my love?  Busy, busy?  It's a slow moving day for me, but one thing about my life is that my chores wait for me.  So I get to them when I get to them, then I find that I was on time after all.  What the hell am I saying?  I'm lazy!  It's another hazy day here.  The country air should be so clean, there's obviously not enough people here to generate such smog.  Not enough vegetation to burn, either.  This smog came from somewhere else.

Stuffed won tons take a long time to make, so after the usual round of chores I spent my morning making stuffed won tons.  I could eat a copious amount of won tons if done right.  Today, I experimented with a new flavor: fish liver.  While I was in the middle of it, my Mom gave me a whole lot of fried rice which I just had for dinner.  My fish liver won tons tasted OK, but I couldn't taste the fish liver.  I could sense the, if you may, weight of the fish liver so I filled up faster.  Either that, or I'm all won tonned out because I've eating won tons a lot lately.  I need to practice bass next.  The name of my bass is "Joe", as in "average".  I write music bass first, so I don't really bother with speed and articulation anymore.  I think ego driven riffs are for guitar solos only.  I'm sure there a lot of better players than me.  I hope you are giving your heart a break and taking your time.  Your world waits for you, Princess.  You are MY girl.  I love you and I need you.