Sunday, August 30, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150831

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How is the most beautiful girl in the world feeling today?  You are MY girl, and that makes you the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  You have my solemn promise that I will marry you inshaAllah, and mashaAllah if I have any power, then that also makes you Boss Model.  I love you, and I need you.

Bob Cat's shoulder is much better today.  The swelling has gone down, and he's walking effortlessly.  Apparently the actual cut was to his right armpit, and it affected his entire shoulder.  What a crafty foe he has.  While he was locked up overnight recuperating, his enemy came and muttered threats at him.  But my Bobby seems A OK today.  What a fast healer.  Alhamdulillah.

Tomorrow is Independence Day for Malaysia.  I plan to just stay home, and cut grass in the evening if it doesn't rain.  This morning I went to the Sunday market.  I don't normally go because I usually clean my parents' bedroom, but I postponed that to the evening.  I bought some prawn croquettes, and some salted fish.  Actually the fish is marinated in some sort of tamarind salt mix.  It's called "pekasam" in the local lingo, and the fish is a common freshwater fish called "puyu", which you would see the locals fishing for in the drainage ditches.  It's best as a crispy fry.  Folks generally eat it with steamed rice, but I prefer it as a snack.  It's the closest thing I can get to blue cheese around here.  I'll bet it would even go great on a salad as a substitute to blue cheese.  But I don't gamble.