Hi Natty! How are you today, Honey? Yeah it's a crazy world, but you're not as nervous as you used to be right? I told you, you are resilient. I'm doing better today. I swallowed some pills after sunset yesterday. Being able to medicate myself makes a big difference. What's for dinner tonight, Honey? I having rice with just one entrée. I kind of like simple meals sometimes, either that or I'm too lazy to put in the labor. I have that sauce I made with the lemongrass, I'm going to add water then heat up some roast beef chunks to it. It should be a quick and easy fix. Fancy meals are for social situations. Since I'm by myself, I really can't be bothered. But would you like to join me for dinner? I also have rose pekoe tea!
Mary's outfit today is:
:*BABY*: Sparkling Sky Lipstick
+Sacrelicious+ Sea Free dress
Alli&Ali Designs Akiko Hair
BM Jellby Sandal
CR - Enchant Earrings - Blue Topaz