Friday, April 23, 2021

The stain

 Hi Natty!  I'm glad to see you are enjoying yourself.  Please be careful as to what you touch though, Honey.  Some plants don't want to be touched, and other plants have beasts lurking within them.  I think you need to study plants more.

Today is Friday, and I had to attend the Friday prayer.  It gets very chaotic when the prayer is over, and the crowd is scrambling to leave.  I have to leave immediately too, and get back to the studio to start streaming.  I don't particularly like some of the fleeting auras that pass by me as I try to leave.  I'm going to have to implement a solution for that next week.  I did my laundry in the morning.  When I pulled out my clothes to dry them, I saw a mysterious stain on my sarong while the other clothes were fine.  Can you see it too?  No, I didn't poop in my sarong.  Sometimes there are dead leaves in the tap water.  Perhaps one of them got squished into my sarong during washing.