Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Qur'an 20200312

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

63.  And if indeed you ask them Who it is that sends the rain from the sky and gives life to the earth after its death, they will certainly reply, "Allah!"  Say, "Praise be to Allah!"  But most of them understand not.

The Spider 29:63

What's this?

Hi Natty!  What's going on?  How are you doing?  I hope everything is fine with you today.  Oh, I'm tired right now.  It's been hot and muggy today, again.  Now that it's cooled down slightly, I just want to sleep.  Maybe I will.  I did my laundry this morning, then I made a batch of dough.  The dough was for dinner.  It's a simple day for food today, just rice and eggs for lunch, and chili with pita bread for dinner.  I tidied up my grandparents' grave in the evening.  Some kids came up to me and asked me what I was doing.  I pointed at the grave and asked, "What's this?"  They didn't know.