Monday, December 9, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131210

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hugs and loving greetings, my dearest beloved Julia and Erin.  Yesterday I was feeling so agitated, my hands were still shaking at sunset.  I had to drive all over town to find drugs for the drug addict cat, and to find a place to blog.  Then I had to deal with nasty bitches trying to muscle my Sweeties.  Nasty bitches!  They probably earned their modeling positions through politics as opposed to actual beauty.  Everyone can tell who they are.  They are the ones who look like beef jerky wearing beautiful lingerie.

Of course it is important for you to wear beautiful clothes, because you are my Sweeties and you are Top Models, and since you are MY Sweeties that makes topper than any other top model.  Just don't be wasteful and excessive in your fashion, because Allah does not love those who waste by excess.  Dress beautifully wherever you go.  Don't dress sexy, dress beautifully.