Friday, January 19, 2024

Love is a battlefield

Hi Natty!  My, you look stunning.  You've grown into the finest looking woman I've ever seen in my life.  You're wearing fashion designer attire, I've seen them wear that type of getup to draw attention away from themselves.  So you didn't get New York but you got something better, don't you agree?  It's getting more intense for me/us globally, I really need to stay put and stand my ground.  So enjoy your travels while you are young, Natty.  I have to admit Honey, I get serious withdrawals without my Natty fix.  So please don't forget to talk to me, because I love you.  Keep safe and healthy.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

105.  And say, "Work, and Allah will observe your work, so will God's messenger and the believers, and you will be returned to the One Who Knows what is hidden and what is open, and you will be informed of all that you did."

The Repentance 9:105