Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151008

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, beautiful girl!  You're so gorgeous, you don't need make up, huh?  Well, that's what I think.  You are MY girl.  Are you having fun being Sports Princess? Erin, I love you and I need you.

People get so touchy over what they eat.  It's like interest, you're never going to talk people out of the consumption of interest, especially when it means more food for them to eat.  I spent the morning working on my curry.  I used up all the mackerel to make fish curry.  I don't have a routine for curry yet, but it's getting there.  Today's effort was a bit on the tasteless side, but I'll get there.  I can't fail all the time, inshaAllah.