Friday, September 14, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120915

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia, my love!  Oh dear, it's been 3 days since I wrote.  I try to write everyday as I try to maintain my web presence everyday on SL, but that's the problem: this blog is too public for something as private as an intimate relationship.  I mean, I would rather for us to be face to face, so I can reach out and kiss you.  Mwah!

But the reason for the gap in love lettering, is that poor little Batty kitten caught a fever from all the strange weather going on right now, and lost his appetite, which made his mommy (me) frantic.  As you know, since Bat Cat is a citizen of Malaysia, he enjoys subsidized veterinary care from the Department of Animal Control.  I was about to take him to the vet on Thursday, but it was a good thing that I didn't, because the Crown Prince of Perlis threw a party on the local premises of the Department of Animal Control, so the place was closed.  But I managed to take him there today, and the vet gave him a feline flu shot, and he seems to be almost back to his normal energetic self.  Even though he allowed himself to be cuddled more when he wasn't feeling well, it's nice to have my squirmy little Batty Watty back.  Alhamdulillah!