Wednesday, August 15, 2018

So desirable

Hi Honey!  Wow Erin, you are so desirable right now.  Right now, you not just the American Princess, but also the American dollar.  Try to enjoy your position, OK?  Learn to have fun with what God has given you.  If you want to be afraid, then put your fear in Allah.  It is easy for people to love you.  Even monkeys love you.  I don't really like monkeys or apes.  Like baby chimps, they're cute when they are young, but when they grow bigger you have to get rid of them.  Life at the zoo.  I got a visit from a baby chimp during voice training today.  I was glad she got bored and left.

Hey Natty honey!  What's going on, beautiful girl?  I just had my dinner.  I had home made fry bread with tofu in curry.  I like to make a "generic" curry, where you can just heat it up and add whatever to it.  Wouldn't it be so handy to come back after a hard day of work, buy a loaf of bread, heat up the curry or cook a chicken breast or a block of tofu in the curry, then dinner is ready?  That's what I did for dinner.  You want some?

Today's photographic art is titled "2 cats on the cooler".
I was slow getting the camera, a few minutes before this shot they were perfectly aligned with each other.

I love Doris Day!  😭  I love Doris Day SO much!  😭😭😭  Les Brown once said that even though she was a girl singer, she wasn't troublesome.  Isn't leaving the band to get married or become a movie star considered troublesome?  Unlike other girl singers who wipe out early, Doris outlived the people around her, including her only son, which is sad.  As for me, I am the most troublesome girl singer of them all.