Saturday, May 27, 2017

Time adjustment

Hello Dearest.  How are you feeling?  I have had less time to work with since the fasting month started.  I usually write this letter around sunset my time, but now I have to write in the late morning.  No lunch to prepare, so that makes sense.  I haven't spent much time in the kitchen either.  My Mom was complaining that I didn't have any curry pup stuffing: I haven't had the time to make any yet.  I did make some generic curry (extra thick) at 3 am this morning, perhaps I'll make stuffing out of that.

Hey Natty!  Looks like you're having a great time.  Your face looks funny upside down.  I think I like you better with your eyes above your mouth.  Cutie.

So Pina, you've never had stomach problems in your life until you went to NYC.  I used to have an iron stomach when I was young, but no more.  But now your tummy is more sensitive, you should eat simpler.  Plain bread with sliced meat, plain white rice with soy sauce, etc.  Until you get your heart settled down about your life in NYC.  Life in the Netherlands would be so much better for your stomach.  And business.