Monday, October 1, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121002

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi again Julia, my precious young beauty.  Hmm, let's think: a monkey is typically a mischievous, and occasionally treacherous being.  A big, black monkey would mean a particularly sombre and dangerous one.  Ahem.  I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed...."And among God's Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that God has scattered through them, and God has Power to gather them together when God wills (Consultation 42:29)."  Let's see, I have a  book of dreams that says that a monkey means "betrayal and deceit are imminent."  To follow the Qur'an would be more accurate and halal, and a monkey is generally a pretty nasty critter.  Ya Allah, please send a python to eat the big, black monkey.

I am a servant of Allah.  My mission is to please Allah with music.  This music, this singing is granted by Allah.  I am inspired by the Qur'an, by Allah to stand my ground here, in Perlis, and create a mass media and entertainment attraction that pleases Allah.  This is a global attraction, by the consent of Allah.

It is not logical for a government of a polyglot country to provide absolute support for my spiritual agenda, for 2 main reasons.  The first is that it is forced to be secular to please all religions and no religion, while I cannot be secular, because being secular means to deny the involvement of God.  The second is that since entertainment is a global business, the government has to conform to standard business protocol of the global mass media.  Then, they have already sunk money and effort to other tourist attractions.  Which means I will be forced to travel, and compromise my spiritual agenda.  Plus forced to submit to other things that the entertainment business is infamous for.  Plus politicians, like corporate executives, change the deal when they change jobs, retire or get sacked.  Which leaves me no choice but to register myself as a private business, sing as an act of community service, and leave it to Allah to consistently flood this place with fanatical tourists.  InsyaAllah.  Perhaps then I will be able to make a living, and afford to marry my Julia.

And you are my love.  Right now is the time to fight for peace, not  to cry for peace.  Stand together with me, and be my love.  I love you.