Thursday, February 25, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160226

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Halo Angel!  How are you?  Would you like to be with me always?  I want to be with you always.  No we shouldn't use the toilet together, but for all practical purposes, I want us to never be seen without each other.  You are me, my darling.  I love you always.  And I need you.

My filling fell out last night, so I had to visit the dentist first thing this morning.  Good thing I already finished my dinner before it fell out, so I was able to go to the dentist the next morning with an empty mouth.  Did you see that episode of Sailor Moon where Usagi went to the demon dentist which was a combination clinic and ice cream parlor?  It was very windy today.  The wind was screaming and howling all through my voice training.  Do you fear the winds of change?  We shall be married soon, inshaAllah. 

Hmmm.  The news I've been getting is being re-edited as the day progresses.  Let's just say that what was news at 6 am is not the same news at 10 pm.  Damned Internet.  This also applies to what's going on with you, so if you have something to say to me, the best way to say it is to say it yourself on video.  Life in the Public Eye can be really annoying.  Innuendo isn't going to work anymore, Erin: innuendo is being used as a tool by our enemies.  Monkeys!  You're going to have to be as blunt as possible about our relationship.  I think it's time for me to crawl into a virtual and literal cave, and ignore their stupid lives.  Next week my Dad is going into surgery anyway, so I will be busy with that.  Yes, I know it's your birthday next week.  InshaAllah, I will make my presentation at the right time.  I would rather give you a ring, but please be patient with me and pray.  Bear in mind that the ring comes with a house.  When the ring does come inshaAllah, we will begin communicating by telephone.