Friday, October 7, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111008

Wha... I need winter gear? How is Germany in winter? I hope you will show me the countryside. I love cheese! I need to start a fine cheese collection. That means I need a cellar, or an extra large freezer! And an extra large cooler! I wonder how the customs here would react to cheese. However, I don't think I would get there in time for the first snowfall, my beloved. Please be patient, and pray. Hey, who says I'm going to Germany? You temptress! Remember that I need a certain amount of wealth, my OWN wealth, which comes directly from Allah, for us to get married. What can happen, does happen. InsyaAllah! So please be patient, and pray. I still don't know your ring size, by the way. Is it 7? I don't know! We'll just have to go shopping for a ring together. We'll do all our shopping together, insyaAllah. You can help me buy clothes, and I want to see you in a nice business suit. Then you can follow me to the music store, and hold the boombox while I test musical instruments.

I escorted my parents to the hospital this morning. Like I told you, my Mom is going in for surgery, so I think I will be quite occupied while she is recovering. I'm still chopping up those branches I told you about into kindle for the bonfire. Everything is still wet, I tried to light it today but it wouldn't burn. The grass has gotten so long from all that rain. Oh Julia, there is a pair of black fantails hanging out at the back of the house! Oh, pretty birds, pretty birds!

Ah, the simple things. Like love and happiness, huh? Mundane it is or could be, but I must be somewhat more normal than I figured. I certainly don't ask to hasten the evil in preference to the good, simply for the sake of disbelief and cynicism. I don't want it to flood! I have all that trash to burn! Ya Allah, please have mercy on Julia and I. Please make our path to You easy. and grant us stability and happiness together in this life, as well as the next life.