Friday, March 20, 2020

Qur'an 20200321

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

41.  Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of that the hands of humans have earned, that may give them a taste of some of their deeds in order that they may turn back.

42.  Say, "Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those before: most of them worshipped others besides God."

The Romans 30:41-42

The Circle Game

Hi Natty!  Thanks for showing me that you're OK, it makes me feel much better.  Say, you had a dream of daisies recently didn't you?  You must be psychic or something.  That looks like a beautiful backyard you have there.  Unkempt but beautiful, while you are a polished beauty.  Perhaps you would like to create a perimeter for working the yard if you didn't have a fence.  Then remove the plants you don't want and keep the ones you do want, so they dominate.  Wear gloves though, some plants have thorns while others are poisonous.  Maybe you would want to try some gardening, grow some lettuce, spinach, tomatoes etc.  You might be a better gardener than me.  I can only grow some plants, while others refuse to live.  Right now the dominant (useful) plants in my yard are the mint, aloe vera, mangoes, bananas, a medicinal shrub my parents consume, cashews, and a few roses.  Wear the old clothes while gardening, not the expensive stuff, and definitely not the jewelry.

Mary Unknown7 once sang a Joni Mitchell song a while ago, then she told me to remove it from the set.  She said she liked the song, but it wasn't as fun to sing as Karen Carpenter or Shirley Bassey.  I asked her to start singing it again, so perchance you might hear it if you happened to be listening to the stream.  It's called "The Circle Game".  Mary said that it's been a while and she forgot the words, so she may flub them.  Check out this video.  That's a short skirt Joni's wearing.